Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Info : Catastrophe (Jakarta)

Until early 2009, after we listened to songs such as Suffocation, Disavowed, Visceral Bleeding, Pyaemia, Terrordrome, Vader etc. we agreed to transform our influence into Death Metal. The concept began to be made, by combining the music rather quickly, fast, brutal and with slow groovy in certain parts of the music characteristic of catastrophe. As time went on we grew vigorously working on song material available. We work to improve the concept that had been deemed inadequate.

And until now we have a few songs mainstay, namely: 

-Tak beda dengan Anjing
-Humilliation of Suffering
-Mati dalam sugesti
-Venom Education
-10,9 Skala richter

the plan in mid-2011 they will prepare the material for the first album. So be prepare guys,,!!!\m/


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